How do we get there?

- Join the OpenAgriculture community at M.I.T.
- Employ Veterans – Hire Veterans to build and maintain Automated Enclosed Gardens.
- Mentor Youth Program – Start supporting current youth mentoring programs in local communities through Automated Enclosed Garden launching and maintenance.
- Community Gardens – Employee Veterans and Farmers to collaborate in Automated Enclosed Gardens as well as existing rural farms that can cooperate in joint food cultivation ventures.
- Sharecropping for food banks – Working with local food banks in trade off for fresh produce, could cultivate a relationship with those who receive the healthy food, who in turn, could also work in the gardens that produce it.
- Farm to Table Solutions – Minimizing the Farm to Table footprint will help food desert areas in urban environments continue to provide fresh produce with less travel time from the farm to the kitchen table.
- Farmer’s Markets – Partnering with local farmers who can sell their produce locally at venues that cater to organic farm produce, whilst allowing a self sustaining market rate, that is set on the conservation properties gained in enclosed garden environments, can help farmers see the benefits of Enclosed and Automated Food production.
- Restaurants – Local restaurants can purchase these units to be housed on site at their fine dining establishment and have previews of their food grown in house, from seed to table, specifically for the customer’s dining experience. Labeling a seed with an ip address and Monitoring it Live can be a novel way to ensure the end customer is educated as to where the food came from.
- Universities– Academia who already have existing gardens for Horticulture and Agriculture courses would benefit greatly from sharing data with other Universities to communicate the diversity of problems and solutions the entire globe are researching. The end goal is to grow the best, most healthy and sustainable food ever.
- Hospitals – Modern Medicine is in need of plant nutrition recipes prescribed to their human patients for maximum healing and symptom problem solving and disease causation. Knowing what goes into the plant and what the human recipient needs nutritionally is valuable for maximum health. Having specific foods that target the needs of a malnourished person that are grown in a custom recipe of nutritional value is the future of medicine. Growing medicine with machine learning and predicting potential plant values for food is the end goal for use in Hospitals. Enter in symptoms into the User Interface of the application, machine learning predicts a suggested diet, specific foods are recommended, and if grown in the patients area, can be attained at a local garden. If no food is available in the area of recommendation, a recipe can be made for the patient to grow their own food in an Automated Enclosed Garden or partnering organic garden.